PRESS room

Title[Article] Won a 'Prime Minister' prize, The 14th Korea Design Award.
Date2012-10-26 Hits13,417

May 5th, Children's Day. The Busan-Kyungnam Racecource Park, run by the Korean Horse Affairs Association, drew over 53,000 people. The entertainment embodied by horses received a positive response from both children and adults alike. Especially attractions such as "Horsetory Land", "Horse Theme Park Golf", "Magic Pony", "Damdeok's Dream" and "Ponyland", designed around horses and containing horse stories for study and experience received the most positive responses.

As well as Busan-Kyungnam, the Korean Horse Affairs Association also transformed the racecourse parks in Seoul and Jeju as well as farms in Jeju, Jangsoo and Wondang into "Horse Themeparks" for the local people. The number of visitors to these horse theme parks reaches millions every year.

The design of the horse theme parks were completed with consultation from experts in each area. Each location operated a "Public Design Advisory Committee" to receive advice and on-site guidance in every aspect. Thanks to this effort, the Horse Affairs Association received a presidential citation in the design management category of the "Republic of Korea Design Grand Prize" awards ceremony on the 25th of the month at the Exco Convention Hall in Daegu.

The Horse Affairs Association was not the only winner. On the same day at the awards, prizes were also awarded for organizations to improve competitiveness of the Korean design industry (11 companies), regional design organizations (5 clients) and individual contributions (5 people). This year's 4th Korean Design Awards was hosted by the Ministry of Knowledge Economy, supervised by the Korea Institute of Design Promotion (KIDP), and sponsored by the Korean Economic Daily.

Iriver, who received a presidential citation, created a research facility last year and have been the main force in developing stronger design products. They have been highly appraised for running design intern systems to promote national designers. Through these, they have succeeded in creating a surplus in the first quarter of this year after only 13 quarters.

Last year, Book City was appraised for providing 150 million Won of investment, street furniture, outdoor bookstore advertising, progressive sculptures, and public space construction businesses for Paju Book City.

In Daegu in 2008, the City Design Management Headquarters was set up by the mayor's office and has been recognized to have strengthened urban design.





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