PRESS room

Title[Notice] S-Connect made an agreement of support with Sungsimwon, a social welfare foundation.
Date2014-03-06 Hits13,748

Hello! Thank you for vising our website.

We’ve been practicing ‘Sharing Love by donating 10,000 KRW’  to the social welfare, Sungsimwon, We’ve been practicing ‘Sharing Love by donating 10,000 KRW’ every month since 2004.
In 2014, We’ve made a formal sponsorship agreement with Sungsimwon and promised to support two million KRW worth of contribution and items except for Sharing Love donations.

We Shall truly endeavor  to share love to benefit growing children & teenagers at Sungsimwon.

Thank you.

Go to a cafe seongsimwon ▶

Main phone number


30, Marudeul-gil 172beon-gil, Opo-eup,
Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea

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compatibility of various browsers and devices.

인터넷 에코어워드 2014 수상
인터넷 에코어워드 2017 수상