PRESS room

TitleS-Connect excepted from small and medium-sized enterprises
Date2014-07-03 Hits13,894

S-Connect is to be excepted from small and medium-sized enterprise and be classed as an enterprise of middle standing since April 2014 according to the following ordinance.

-  Ordinance  -

Article 3 from the enforcement ordinance, Minor Enterprises Act. D. An enterprise with average annual turnover of more than 150 billion Korean Won for immediately preceding three(3) consecutive business years

Main phone number


30, Marudeul-gil 172beon-gil, Opo-eup,
Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea

S-Connect complies with the web standards, web accessibility, and web
compatibility of various browsers and devices.

인터넷 에코어워드 2014 수상
인터넷 에코어워드 2017 수상